Cellulite due to fluid retention

Celulitis por retención de líquidos

Most women dream of having smooth and soft skin. The issue is that Mother Nature rewarded only 10% of them who do not have a trace of cellulite.

But you can improve it, even if your hormones are out of whack from perimenopause and menopause.

But first, you should know if you have cellulite due to fluid retention . Detect it in seconds with some very easy techniques that we will teach you below.

If so, we offer you effective solutions so that you can finally hit the mark.

Cellulite and fluid retention are not the same, but…

Many people think that cellulite and water and fluid retention are synonymous, but this is not true. What can happen is that when you retain a lot of water in your body, the dimples in your skin become more visible.

Look at their differences:

  • Cellulite is pockets of fat deposits that accumulate just below the surface of the skin. For this reason, dimples or lumps appear on the hips, legs, buttocks, arms and abdomen. It usually persists over time and is more difficult to eliminate.

  • Fluid retention is edema caused by excessive fluid accumulation in the skin. It can cause unexplained weight gain, cellulite, swelling in the extremities, a bulging belly, and even bags under the eyes.

When fluid retention is not due to a pathology, it can disappear quickly.

What do accumulated fluids have to do with orange peel?

Cellulite is one of the consequences of fluid retention most hated by women, because it causes that padded appearance that no one likes and makes uncomfortable.

It happens this way: 90% of the retained fluids are present just below the surface of the skin and there may be cellulite imperceptibly beneath it .

So, when you retain fluids, the tissues swell and the fat deposits (cellulite) that are under the skin come to the surface.

Its causes can be varied:

  • Hormonal changes

When estrogen and progesterone transition out of the menstrual cycle, it makes it more difficult to maintain normal fluid balance.

And while estrogen affects kidney function, causing fluid and sodium retention, progesterone acts as a diuretic to control the fluid retention activity of estrogen. All chaos.

If you add to that that during menopause, the decrease in estrogen makes the skin thinner and less elastic, everything comes together to make cellulite stand out.

  • Excess toxins

The toxins that you accumulate due to poor diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle, environmental pollution and more, are deposited in the cells under your skin, causing more fluid retention and less blood circulation.

All of this can cause fat accumulation, stretching of the superficial skin tissue and, in the end, cellulite becomes more pronounced.

  • weak lymphatic system

When your lymphatic system is not working well, it has a hard time removing toxins from the body and waste trapped in your tissues to be eliminated through urine, sweat, and feces.

Among them are the excess fluids that you retain in your body.

How do I know if my cellulite is due to fluid retention?

Apply these techniques to know if your skin padding is cellulite or fluid:

Locate a dimple and lift the skin above it

  • If it disappears it is fluid retention
  • If the dimple is still noticeable, it is cellulite.

Gently move the skin several times

  • If ripples appear, similar to when a stone falls into water, these are retained liquids.

Lie on your back and raise your legs

  • If the orange peel disappears, it is excess fluids.

Gently press the skin

  • If it feels hard and dense, it is cellulite.
  • If it is soft, swampy or mushy they can be liquid.

You may also be interested in: Natural Diuretics: option to avoid fluid retention 

I have cellulite due to fluid retention, now how do I eliminate it?

Improving the appearance of cellulite due to fluid retention can be easier and faster than when its cause is excessive fat accumulation.

And by draining them and modifying some habits, you will see improvements in a few weeks.

To eliminate excess fluids from your body, there are several recommendations that will not complicate your life or make you spend a lot of money:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. How to stay hydrated if you don't like water very much, sugar-free infusions can help you.
  2. Avoid excess salt in your meals.
  3. Stimulate your lymphatic system by dry brushing your skin or doing Gua Sha massages.
  4. Lean on supplements like the Less Fat, Less Water Combo , a comprehensive solution for cellulite due to fluid retention.

less fat, less water

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