Liquid retention and cellulite: fight them like this

Retención de líquidos y celulitis: combátelas así

There are days when the orange peel is more noticeable and we do not understand why if we are eating the same and exercising the same. Perhaps it is that your body is retaining more water than usual.

This condition affects a large number of people, both women and men, but it affects girls more.

Do you want to know what type of cellulite you have? Take this quiz.

And here I will tell you how to reduce fluid retention and cellulite, in a safe, natural and effective way.

What is fluid retention

It is an excessive accumulation of water in the tissues of the body; mainly in the area of ​​​​thighs, legs, hands and abdomen.

It is recognized by these symptoms: swelling of the extremities, feeling of general heaviness, tiredness, fatigue, weight gain and the appearance of the dreaded cellulite due to fluid retention or orange peel, which is one of its most visible consequences.

What are the causes that cause fluid retention and cellulite?

The causes of fluid retention cellulite can be several:

What are the causes that cause fluid retention and cellulite?

How can you prevent it?

Here are some tips to prevent and even reduce fluid retention and soften the appearance of cellulite due to fluid retention :

  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  • Opt for a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, high in fiber.
  • Consume diuretic foods such as pineapple, garlic and melon.
  • Include potassium-rich foods such as bananas, papayas, spinach, tomatoes, and salmon in your diet. They will help you counteract the body's sodium level and maintain fluid balance.
Consume diuretic foods such as pineapple, garlic and melon.
  • Reduce the consumption of salt, sugars, soft drinks, sweets and ultra-processed foods.
Reduce the consumption of salt, sugars, soft drinks, sweets and ultra-processed foods.
  • Do exercises, especially aerobic, as it helps to eliminate excess fluids and improve blood circulation.
Do exercises, especially aerobic, as it helps to eliminate excess fluids and improve blood circulation.
  • Do not stay long in one position, walk at least a few steps to facilitate circulation.
Do not stay long in one position, walk at least a few steps to facilitate circulation.
Consume diuretic infusions (horsetail, green tea, fennel, etc.)
  • Avoid very tight clothing and footwear, as it hinders circulation and causes greater retention.
Avoid very tight clothing and footwear, as it hinders circulation and causes greater retention.

Do you want to achieve it faster? This supplement can be your best ally

Do you want to achieve it faster? This supplement can be your best ally

An effective strategy to accelerate the expulsion of cellulite fluid retention in problem areas is to complement your diet with food supplements created for this purpose.

I recommend Water Less from Evolution Advance , because it contains seven effective herbs to reduce the accumulation of water and sodium.

Contains dandelion, green tea, blueberries, juniper berry, buchu leaves, corn beard, apple cider vinegar combined with potassium, which act as diuretics, detoxifiers and antioxidants.

Water Less helps relieve swelling in the extremities, face and abdomen; it is easier to eliminate toxins and drain the water retained in the tissues that does not reveal toned muscles.

It is especially useful before and during menstruation and helps to improve the appearance of the skin, reduce abdominal distension and purify the body.

You can consume Water Less with complete confidence and you will achieve:

  • You will feel less inflammation because you will eliminate excess water retained in your body, through urine.
  • Since it balances sodium levels, stomach bloating will be a problem solved.
  • You will be able to get rid of toxins accumulated by a bad diet, pollution, stress, among others.
  • You will avoid diseases, it will facilitate your weight loss and it could soften cellulite due to fluid retention .
  • You will eliminate the liquids stored in the muscular tissues.

If you want more tricks to minimize orange peel skin, you will love the postIt is possible toreduce cellulite and improve the appearance of the legs .

Remember that if you suffer from any disease you should consult your doctor about the consumption of this product.

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