Know what the rebound effect is and how to avoid it

Conoce qué es el efecto rebote y cómo evitarlo

Surely you have heard about the rebound effect, or yo-yo effect, from someone who dieted, managed to lose weight and after a while... Oops, the extra kilos returned! Or perhaps you have experienced it firsthand.

This is obviously a negative consequence faced by many people who diet to lose weight without nutritional advice, or believe in the promise of miracle products. In the end, they become discouraged for not achieving the weight that makes them look better and feel healthy.

Some studies say that 97% of those who do a diet to lose extra pounds, when they stop doing it, they begin to gain weight and even recover twice what they have lost. For this reason, more than going on diets, we must change our eating habits and make our meals healthy and balanced.

What is the rebound effect or YoYo diet?

Kelly D. Brownell , Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, and Director of the World Food Policy Center at the Sanford School of Public Policy, called "yo-yo dieting," or weight cycling, the process in which pounds are lost and then gained back in cycles, resembling the up and down motion of the toy of that name.

In simple language, it means that a person goes on a weight loss journey, reaches the goal, is unable to keep it off, and gains all the lost pounds back again, in a cyclical manner.

Look at it like this, after the desire to lose weight quickly, many times you think of alternatives that give immediate results, such as restrictive diets, which promise to lose 5 to 10 kilos in a week. In many cases, the goal is achieved. The problem is that it cannot be maintained over time without suffering weight gain again: this is the dreaded and terrible rebound effect.

For what is this?

This phenomenon occurs due to a problem with the metabolic change, since the basal metabolism plummets due to the drastic change to a low-calorie diet, in relation to what was ordinarily consumed.

Then, the body begins to spend less as a defense measure, that is, the metabolism slows down and, after a while, it gets used to subsisting on fewer calories than it needs.

Then when you stop the diet and start eating the same as before, (which means twice or more of the calories that the body was consuming during the strict diet) the already slowed down metabolism cannot burn the calories and they accumulate in the form fat very fast.

Let me clarify that the rebound effect is not an immediate and normal consequence of losing weight or seeking to feel better. But it is a consequence of the type of diet to lose weight that is carried out.

Why does the rebound effect occur?

Why does the rebound effect occur?

Experts believe that 80-95% of dieters regain their hard-earned weight.

After studying this effect in detail, Dr. Griebeler concluded that what he called the weight set point is the culprit. That is, the weight that the body is programmed to be and is a combination of various variables.

Genetics, hormones, behavior, activity levels during childhood, dietary history, and the environment are some of the many factors that affect our metabolism.

Weight set point and metabolism complement each other: metabolism burns energy at a rate that will maintain your weight set point, even if that point is heavier than is healthy.

What are the triggers?

The factors that predispose to the triggering of the rebound effect are the following:

What are the triggers?

More and more people realize that a miracle diet plan of 1,100 calories a day, combined with strenuous weight training programs and hours of cardio to achieve the ideal figure, damages the body and metabolism.

It is said that yes you can has a rebound effect as well as other options that promise to reduce in a short time. Although we cannot confirm it.

How to avoid the rebound effect?

How to avoid the rebound effect?

It is important that the diet is always carried out under the supervision of a doctor or nutritionist, so that it is appropriate to the needs of each person. This guarantees reliable monitoring of its evolution, without causing damage to the body.

Taking these factors into account is also important:

  1. Avoid very restrictive or nutritionally unbalanced diets, having to eat a varied and balanced diet.
  2. Perform a food re-education, making lifestyle changes that can be adopted forever.
  3. Weight loss should be progressive.
  4. It includes satiating foods such as those high in lean proteins, rich in fiber and with a high water content such as egg whites, fish, legumes, fruits, vegetables, among others.
  5. Eat slowly and chew your food well, so that the satiety signal reaches the brain and avoid eating too much.
  6. Consume at least 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking a glass before each meal helps to satisfy our hunger quickly, improving our metabolism and reducing anxiety.
  7. It is important to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and maintain physical activity at least 3 times a week, for at least 30 minutes.
  8. Do muscle training to lose calories constantly, since with these exercises the muscles suffer micro-tears that will make the body continue spending energy to recover, improving muscle tone and maintaining a healthy weight.
  9. Sleep at least 7 hours every night, so that the metabolism is activated and the body burns fat. Lack of sleep also increases your cortisol level, which can lead to rapid weight gain.
  10. Reduce stress and emotional dependence on food, especially sweets and desserts.
  11. Train your brain to like healthy food and dislike junk food.
  12. Don't eat less, eat right! Stick to a healthy diet that doesn't have to be boring, or limit yourself to eating the same thing every day.
  13. Don't buy knick-knacks like chips, junk food, and packaged processed foods.
  14. Keep a food journal, where you write down each meal you eat. This will help you eliminate potentially harmful and fattening foods; You will also be able to establish a food routine and reduce the frequency of snacks.

So, to lose weight and avoid the rebound effect, you must follow a diet that meets the amount of calories per day, but that is balanced and includes healthy foods.

This type of diet to lose weight should include the necessary proteins and carbohydrates, in addition to all the essential daily vitamins and minerals, and be rich in natural fibers.

You should consult a doctor or nutritionist to prepare a diet suitable for nutritional needs and daily activities.

It is very important to be centered and focus on the positive aspects. Remember, when you were lighter, how good it felt to wake up every morning and how much energy you had to face the everyday.

This state of mind must remain, so set long-term weight loss goals, with changes in healthy habits without yo-yo dieting, as well as avoiding the risk of yes you can has a rebound effect and other options.

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